
2016-04-15 14:44:22来源:众视网 作者:Grace热度:
根据在阿姆斯特丹举行的虚商世界大会上的众多业内人士的看法,几年之内,嵌入式的SIM卡在市场上将会司空见惯。在一个圆桌环节,德国电信的国际移动与批发部副总裁Frederico Homberg表示,对SIM卡的无线电子通讯技术的测试将在今年下半年即将启动,将在2017年在市场上大规模推广。
苹果公司已经研发了其解决方案。新产品iPad Pro 9.7已经再有苹果内置SIM卡的标准。进一步细节目前仍对外公布,许多产业参与者正等待苹果公司方面的新消息。美国虚商GigSky业务发展部的副总裁Richard Neville表示,这种关闭的标准对于运营商来说在实践中没有那么复杂,会更容易实施。他期待GSMA在接下来几年里投入一定的时间以及金钱继而能赶上苹果的成果。


eSim on the way, all eyes on Apple's plans
The embedded Sim will be commonplace in the market within a few years, according to a number of participants at the MVNOs World Congress in Amsterdam. Tests of over-the-air provisioning of the Sims will start in the second half of this year, allowing roll-out on a mass scale in 2017, said Frederico Homberg, VP International Mobile Wholesale at Deutsche Telekom in a panel session. 
Nevertheless, there is still no consensus on how to facilitate customers changing mobile network without the physical Sim card swap. The GSMA proposed earlier this year a specification for mobile devices such as smartwatches, fitness bands and tablets and aims to publish in June a proposal on remote provisioning of all types of devices. 
Deutsche Telekom expects the eSim to be available already in 2017, but others are less certain. A ZTE representative said that 2-3 years are needed still in order to prepare the market and business models and get all mobile operators on the same line. 
Apple has developed its own solution. The new iPad Pro 9.7 comes standard with the Apple Embedded Sim. Further details on its plans are unknown, and many industry participants are awaiting more news from Apple. Richard Neville, Vice President of Business Development at US MVNO GigSky, said this type of closed standard may be less complicated in practice for operators, easing implementation. He expects it will take the GSMA some time and money to match Apple's efforts in the coming years. 
About Deutsche Telekom

Deutsche Telekom invests several billion euros in improving its network every year. The aim is to be able to offer customers the best network in the future too.Deutsche Telekom offers a broad range of communication, entertainment and IT services from a single source. A powerful, integrated network is the basis of the infrastructure.
About GigSky

GigSky is the first global mobile network designed for travelers. Connectivity is critical to our lives no matter where we are. GigSky specializes in international data coverage to give individuals and businesses the best service, coverage, and pricing in a seamless experience.





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