
2007-08-10 10:22:10来源:DVBCN数字电视中文网 热度:
Goang-Fann was incorporated in 1987 as a professional audio equipment manufacturer. Products range from wired to wireless microphones, loudspeakers, cables and accessories.
Superlux is the brand name for the professional market, such as broadcasting, recording, and live stages. Tenlux is the brand name for the entertainment applications such as pro karaoke houses to family entertainments.
Shenzhen factory is modern equipped with advanced automated CNC manufacturing facilities. Shanghai research and development center is operated by the leading experts in the industry. Goang-Fann was certified as ISO9001 qualified organization in 2001. With endless efforts, world class ERP system was established in 2006. All these efforts are for better services to the worldwide clients. Their warm recognitions of quality rewards Goang-Fann to be a healthy business entity.
Goang-Fann will keep on honest working and innovated developing to provide quality products and friendly services.
廣范實業 R102鋁帶麥克風
R102鋁帶麥克風專為當今廣播電視錄音設計,它不僅具有電容麥克風的高靈敏度以及平滑的頻率響應,又有比電容式麥克風更快的速度響應 (即瞬態響應),速度響應為麥克風中的首選。
The R102 is an active aluminum ribbon microphone designed for the recording studio. It features the high sensitivity of a condenser microphone, yet exhibits the smoother frequency response and excellent transient response of a ribbon microphone. The speed response of a ribbon mic is optimal among all types of microphones.
The R102 active aluminum ribbon microphone consists of two parts: an electro-magnetic transducer and an impedance converting circuit. The electro-magnetic transducer applies a unique magnetic circuit field with a strong Nd magnet. The aluminum alloy ribbon, with a thickness of only 2.5 microns, is suspended between two poles and vibrates in synchrony with the incoming acoustical energy (sound waves). Due to the extremely low mass of the ribbon, the transducer of this microphone boasts a premium transient response in converting acoustic energy into electronic sig nals. Whether at low / high frequencies or low / high sound pressure levels, the R102 delivers a precise reproduction of the original sound.




一直以来,广电级的虚拟演播室因其设备复杂而不可携带,这主要体现在: 要求正规的蓝箱 要求布置齐全的专业灯光 要求昂贵而庞大的演播室用摄像机 主机本身配套设备多随着电视台对节目内容和形式的需求越来越殷切,而且对时效性、设备性价比也越来越挑剔,因此,虚拟演播室的便携性就愈来愈得到重视。北京威佳视科技公司吸收了国内外广大





