
2015-07-09 10:20:19来源:DVBCN数字电视中文网 热度:
7月9日,由DVBCN&AsiaOTT与Informa、长城会联合主办的2015虚拟运营峰会在北京隆重召开。会上,Sprint亚太地区营销总监Eu Gin Tan作了题为“移动运营商如何帮助虚拟移动运营商获得成功”的演讲。在演讲中,Eu Gin Tan提出,全球虚商的客户群体在未来的5年内将会以 10%的年复合增长率增长,并且在2016年获得2.14亿用户,相当于全球移动用户的2.7%。

On July 9th, the 2015 MVNO Summit which cooperated by DVBCN&AsiaOTT, Informa, GWC is hold in Beijing. During the summit, Eu Gin Tan, the marketing director for the Asia-Pacific region in Sprint has made a speech named “How MNOs Can Help MVNOs Find Success”. And he has raised that the global MVNO subscriber base will grow at a CAGR at 10 percent over the next 5 years and capture almost 214 million subscribers in 2016, equal to 2.7% of mobile subscribers worldwide.



图为:Sprint亚太地区营销总监Eu Gin Tan


最演讲的开始,Eu Gin Tan就给在场观众介绍了虚拟运营商发展历程中的2的重要演变场景:

From the beginning of the speech,  Eu Gin Tan has presented to the audiences 2 important evolving scenes in the processes of the development of MVNOS.



Scene 1:



Woman: Hello, I’d like to become an MVNO. 



Man: Why should I allow that?Your model will dilute customers away from me… How can your model possibly survive?



Scene 2:



Woman: Hello, I’d like to become an MVNO.



Man: Hmmm, so you can appeal to niche markets... Your model actually adds new customers for me... With the right model this could be a success! 


Eu Gin Tan表示,在接下来的5年中,移动设备的数量将会超过世界总人口。54%的硬件是智能手机;2016年之前,使用平板需要流量将会达到15%;2018年之前,有三分之二的世界移动流量是用来播放视频;2018年之前,平均移动上网速度将会超过2.5Mbps;2018年之前4G的使用比例将会达到15%,而总流量的51%是4G服务消耗的。

Eu Gin Tan says that in the next five years, the number of mobile connected devices will exceed the world’s population, and 54% of all devices will be Smartphones. Tablets will exceed 15% of global mobile traffic by 2016. By 2018, over 2/3 of the world’s mobiledata traffic will be video and average mobile connection speed surpass 2.5 Mbps; and 4G will be 15% of connections but 51% of total traffic by 2018.



Historically, MVNO markets have witnessed two strong hype cycles: 2004-5 was mainly in Europe and US, and 2012-2013 was aimed globally.



From the big data, 90% of American adults have a mobile phone, and 58% have a smartphone, and 32% a tablet.



So businesses outside the mobile industry can embrace the full scale of benefits that come from analyzing mobile customer data.



And in the future, as the telecom space evolves, Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNO) experience similar market shifts as Mobile Network Operators (MNOs), but benefit from reacting differently.



Currently, there are 250 active MVNO companies provide services to 28 million subscribers. By 2019, 28 million subscribers will reach 44 million and will represent 1/4 of new net additions. And 21% of all new U.S. subscriber connections will come from MVNO subscribers.




Customer needs are changing and MVNOs must adapt. In the past, it focused on vioce centric, feature phones, individual/ family plans, pay-as-you-go, and lowering prices. In the future, it will focus on data centric, smartphones, shared data plans for individuals and families and so on.



In the future, your customers spend more time with their mobile devices than they do with their spouses. What if you could tap into this powerful relationships? You’d be able to give them the offers and promotions they want, keep them shopping, and cement their relationship with your brand. But how? The solution is simple: offer your customers a branded mobile program and connect with them 24/7.


Eu Gin Tan指出,品牌项目能够提升19%商店观光率,35%的消费者在商店花费更多的钱,顾客的满意度将会增加11%,市场份额提高13%,46%的顾客每月花费超过100美元。

Eu Gin Tan points out that a branded mobile program delivers results in 19% measured increase in store visits, 35% of customers spent more in store, 11% increase in customer satisfaction, 13% increase in share of wallet, and 46% of customers spent $100+ a month.


无线网络是大多数人生活中重要的一部分。如果虚商和客户之间的关系是强有力的,为了能让无线项目获得成功,选择正确的执行者是非常重要的。Sprint 就在支持私人标记无线项目上有丰富的经验。

Wireless is an integral part of people’s life. In fact, they spend more time with their mobile devices than they do three spouses. They have their devices with them almost 24/7. What if your relationship with your customers was that powerful? To have a successful wireless program, piking the right carrier is important. Sprint has a strong history of supporting private label wireless programs.



Smartphones are the most personal device in our lives. The U.S. has 6.4% share of world travellers——2nd only to France. Customers represent the overwhelming majority of prepaid users and will drive growth in the market throughout the forecast period, The demond for prepaid data will drive revenue and subscriber growth through 2017.


根据Pyramid的研究显示,全球虚商的客户群体在未来的5年内将会以 10%的年复合增长率增长,并且在2016年获得2.14亿用户,相当于全球移动用户的2.7%。

Pyramid Research projects that the global MVNO subscriber base will grow at a CAGR at 10 percent over the next 5 years and capture almost 214 million subscribers in 2016, equal to 2.7% of mobile subscribers worldwide.



On average, Americans replace their mobile phones every 21.7 months. And a 5% increase in customer relation can increase company’s profitability by 75%. The availability of simple, inexpensive smartphone data service plans ensures that the prepaid market will support a wide variety of mobile users.



Five elements of a successful MVNO include niche market savvy, clearly defined business plan, proficient distribution, strong value of preposition and branding, and the right carrier to help you evolve our business.


移动运营商如何帮助虚拟运营商获得成功呢?双方之间需要灵活条款、、协商销售、网络独立性等等。Sprint 所能提供的虚商支持包括:专用批发部、经验丰富的执行团队、专门的项目经理和主题专家为在线运营提供支持、完备并成熟的市场支持方案、分享最佳实践和研究见解、行业及产品销售培训计划。

So how can the MNO help? There must be flexible contacts, consultative selling, and agnostic network, and so on. Sprint’s MVNO’s support include dedicated wholesale division, experienced implementation team, dedicated program manager and subject matter expert for ongoing operational support, established and proven marketing support program, shared best practices and research insight, and industry and productsales training programs.





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